DirectAxis is a specialist financial service company that provides clients with a direct connection to loans and insurance.
DirectAxis has used the Trac-Tech access control solution for approximately four years in conjunction with over 40 Virdi biometric readers positioned at various access points; some on doors and some on half height and full height turnstiles. Approximately 1 250 employees transact through these readers.
Highlighting the versatility of the product, DirectAxis also uses the Virdi readers for a very different application. Each year at the company’s year end function, two Virdi AC6000 readers, which have the capacity to store 12 000 photographs and 500 000 transactions, are pre-loaded with all their existing employee templates and are taken to the venue where the function is being held.
The readers are placed at the entrance to the venue and staff are required to transact on the reader on arrival to verify whether they are able to access the venue or not. As they transact with their fingerprint, their photograph is also taken.
“When staff accept an invitation to attend an event, we like to ensure that they actually do attend as money is paid out upfront for the event based on their RSVP,” said a spokesperson for DirectAxis. “If they don’t attend, then a portion of the costs are recovered from them, unless they have a medical certificate to prove that they were not able to attend due to medical reasons. With so many staff attending, it’s difficult to know who has and has not attended so by asking them to scan their finger we will receive confirmation on their attendance.